Friday, June 29, 2007

How To Not Get Herpes From An Escort

BBQ @ INRIA-Eye Squirrel

Here's how you can dine at Sardes:

N'est Pas Mal:-D

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

How Much Is A Haircut At Jc Penney Salon

if I did not see did not believe it :-)

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Can Doctors Fiind Anything In Your Blood?

Chez Valerie

mesdammes et monsieurs Et voila! Of course, this is the weight that must be hard for the palate to be .. but what can you do, when it comes to the table an hour of this beauty, it's all to the good is not it? :-)

Thursday, June 7, 2007

Old Fashion Car Rentals In Edmonton For Weddings

Me In The Wind

Valerio In The Wind

brava Giulia!