Monday, September 27, 2010

Mayonnaise To Masterbate

Wine Cocktails

The trend is now in place for a while ', but only this summer and through the coupling of Sex and the City, the wine-based cocktails have won the final stage . It will be that less alcohol and more refreshing, it's because in some quarters drinking wine is more chic, it is certain that the examples and recipes have proliferated. In modern cookbook professional barman appeared recently some gorgeous recipes such as the Watermelon Pepper looking fresh and spicy: it gets cut to pieces with the lime, 3 basil leaves, 3 pieces of fresh watermelon, it crushes everything decent and add ice chips, 5 cl young white wine and red pepper on top . Serve in a glass tumbler low (one for whiskey). The ubiquitous Prosecco (if you want to try one beautiful looking Cartizze Vetoraz Col) is the protagonist instead of The Righteous prepared with fresh melon smoothie 3 cl 7 and cl brut prosecco served in a flute ... Read the rest of



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