Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Cleaning Patent Leather Sneakers

An award for me?!?! An Angel from Phoenix

from my sweet little niece
Shiri !

Thanks darling!


Saturday, January 22, 2011

Why Do You Get Celulitis On Your Feet

A best gift
could not receive
An Angel !

I love the Angels
will collect
of all types or nearly so.


Monday, January 17, 2011

How To Calculate Surface Area Of A Dish End

---- ---- To all of you (^_^)

To thank
friendship and
of your affection,
I thought I'd make this


Bring in your blog!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Best Friend Has Herpes

Gifts, gifts, gifts ..... for me! From

...... many thanks to tuttiiiiiiiiiiii!

From Uncle Tom:

Da ....
(and already too heheh!)
(it is not true that I know were the first!)

sweet cousin CONSIDERS From:

From my nipotella SbiruLiza:

And these are some gifts of relatives

because I wrote some
I forgot the 2 bags
model trunk
beautiful, beautiful, beautiful. ..
the photographer just the place!

Monday, January 10, 2011

Is There A Such Thing As A Human Half Wig

Gabe ....

From a sweet sweet Gabe

Life can be understood only backwards

but must be lived forwards.

Arthur Bloch "

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Bed Wetting Adult Diapers

Open account orange


recently I flashed to mind a diabolical idea. I want to open that account, give credence to the salary and then clean up on my account an amount less official. Dispose of the password and then ...

Images Women In Kotex

Finances to January 2, 2011

below the financial situation at January 2.
Some comments:
this month actually do not have many comments. I had the unpleasant surprise to find it in my paycheck two items that have ruined the winter rest: Additional regional (about 800 €) additional charge (about 140 €). I thought with the thirteenth I would be able to do more this month, but nothing.
However, the only significant innovation is that I have lowered the debt to American Express, and I collapsed to the position of the fund on a single fund. (Actually the final movement has not yet happened, the position was closed on the old and should be migrated to the new)
below the curve Circulation My monthly financial review

in red shows the target curve, if I could follow it faithfully, by October to reach the milestone of 10k, compared to the huge delay in the roadmap, but it nienteeeeeeeee.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

What Do I Have To Do To Get A Platypus

For all of you!

I received this gift from Stella
and I want to share it with you all!

Stella Thank you dear!


Monday, January 3, 2011

Light Non Pore Clogging Concealer

family budget, economy guide

point out an interesting article in the Corriere della Sera (online edition).

In fact they are all things we know already, but it well never to forget and go to a constantly refreshed "repetita Juvante "!
very soon with the financial situation at 1 January 2011

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Berlini Collection Pendant

with 365 days ....

.... a Knight!
is our friend
Knight did this useful gift

Knight Many thanks!