Monday, August 23, 2010

2011 Honda Ruckus 2 Person

Preview: T-shirts!

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Buggy Cage Roll Plans

Dinner at home with my fellow-600eurii

Hello everyone I would like to tell you now one of the downsides of increased responsibility 'professional. Driving a team with common goals but each with proprpie specificity ', its head and its preparation and 'very difficult.
to mix even better for the group to wish everyone happy holidays and not be always talking about work, I decided to organize a small little party at my house. Well between grilled meat wine alcohol cleaning lady drinks fresh vegetables grgliate and accessories for the home I spent a fortune. (Just under 600 €)
Certainly dinner and 'coming very well, also came leaders and bosses. But the question is' ... And it 'worth it? I do not know. I'll say I'll know when I know in the coming months if new responsibilities are also recognized by the company.
But I would point out something that I had read some time ago on an American book. According you to equal 'net income between a seller and a dealer who and' richer? The book argued that the trader, unlike a professional and 'more' rich 'cause spends less. In fact no need for parties does not need to send their children to private schools does not need to play golf or spend to belong to a social elite. Here I think part of the book is right. It 's not necessary for parties or other events. Better to save that money and make them fruitful and bring in work.
soon with new post! Are dependent children are ready for new challenges.

- Posted BlogPress from my iPhone using

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Wording For A Fashion Show


as promised in the previous post, I explain the situation to the August 21, 2010. I had to be away for some time as it is very busy carrying out the best received new responsibilities in the office. Now:
Some comments:
1) The main account has very little liquidity, because we are almost at the end of the month and liquidity is scarce (it was used for current expenses and to pay some bills)
2) account the secondary suffered a setback, in recent months had been supplied to meet needed. The fact is that in order to pay for the holidays, I had to stop feeding it. (I had planned to spend the holidays around 600 700 euro, in fact I've spent a lot more. Some extra costs are then taken to review the automatic feeding, the mortgage payments of course continued to be paid, that's the explanation ' erosion!)
3) The deposit account was reduced by 500 €. was used for living expenses for the month of July and August. (Sigh. ..)
4) The pension fund has had a significant increase in capital by virtue of the fact that the company has made the deposit quarterly.
5) I found $ 800 in cash (a gift from a relative of my wife). Such profit will have to 'use it to pay the fee for enrollment installment expect that around 780 euro.
6) I also decided to include the line for Amex balance, because it actually is money already spent (a few months ago I had never considered as made with amex only business expenses reimbursed to him).
Overall, the situation is dramatic on all fronts, not only have the mathematical certainty that it can not achieve the goal of the year, but I feel so inca ** ato for having eroded the accumulated fatigue. The real problem is that I had no foresight in composing the budget of my holiday. Things organized not lead to the last minute save. I always try not to spend, but then I feel the need of relaxation and vacation, and I try ... but it is too late .. I find that high tariffs and spend!
not worry or panic attacks. Starting over! New personal and professional goals to be achieved in September!

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Sample Of Elementary Salutatorian Adress

Situation at 21 August 2010 major goal is not reached

Hello everyone,
the situation has' deteriorated suddenly. I practically destroyed my already meager savings. A post soon my situation but I can assure you that I have to start from scratch. I am not discouraged and get ready for a winter full of challenges. Professional and personal. Just have to be financially peaceful and quiet!
Even I have to get by a nest egg for emergencies. I can not continue to pull the end of meseeee.
- Posted from my iPhone using BlogPress (gift from my mother-in-law that I subscribe to subscription data resulted from EUR 9 months ....:))

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

California Adult Club Lacrosse

Negronakis and olives (Greek) Greek flavors

Island of Samos, in August 2010.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Meralgia Paresthetica Caused By Yoga

Metaxa and cold water.
There also would be well 'na slice of orange.