Sunday, August 22, 2010

Buggy Cage Roll Plans

Dinner at home with my fellow-600eurii

Hello everyone I would like to tell you now one of the downsides of increased responsibility 'professional. Driving a team with common goals but each with proprpie specificity ', its head and its preparation and 'very difficult.
to mix even better for the group to wish everyone happy holidays and not be always talking about work, I decided to organize a small little party at my house. Well between grilled meat wine alcohol cleaning lady drinks fresh vegetables grgliate and accessories for the home I spent a fortune. (Just under 600 €)
Certainly dinner and 'coming very well, also came leaders and bosses. But the question is' ... And it 'worth it? I do not know. I'll say I'll know when I know in the coming months if new responsibilities are also recognized by the company.
But I would point out something that I had read some time ago on an American book. According you to equal 'net income between a seller and a dealer who and' richer? The book argued that the trader, unlike a professional and 'more' rich 'cause spends less. In fact no need for parties does not need to send their children to private schools does not need to play golf or spend to belong to a social elite. Here I think part of the book is right. It 's not necessary for parties or other events. Better to save that money and make them fruitful and bring in work.
soon with new post! Are dependent children are ready for new challenges.

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