Sunday, June 27, 2010

Exotic Rentals Calgary Alberta

hate the motorway services! Commitment


last week, I was in Abruzzo for a wedding of a dear family friend. We went there by car, the trip lasted about 5-6 hours, stupidly we did not bring the bread and water from home.

After about 3 hours of travel, hot (even if the air conditioning the vehicle was still on) we decided to stop for a sandwich autogrill. We spent 19 euro including sandwiches, coffee drinks and sweets for my wife (there are days in the month when my wife was sweet and not strictly need him you can 'absolutely deny). Per se had spent € 19 autogrill is serious, but I still think seriously what + 'we spent while we walked towards the exit.

dall'autogrill Why do I have to go out among all those stupid forced into shelves? I reflected on everything, books, ham, cheese, maps, national flags, mobile phone chargers ... and finally ... soap-bubble-shooting gun. I bought One for our granddaughter. Here, the grandson certainly will like the gift, but my portfolio is really empty now. I have to heal, I think it is a compulsive problem! But then, even the roadside restaurants?? Dai! But let me drink the coffee and let me out without going through all your ham!.

Basically, I calculated that to attend the wedding, all inclusive, we spent just under € 600. We lost sight of the goal ?????? But we crazy??

It starts with courage. Riproviamoci.


Delete Purchases Direct Tv

family to become rich in my definition!

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about the commitment that the other components of the core family should play in achieving the financial targets set. I just struggled to explain to my wife the importance of moderating our standard of living to reduce living expenses and eliminate unnecessary expenses. I must say I learned a while now, and 'a lot more careful. Sometimes, however, 'is taken from a fit compulsive disorder (accomplices marketing offices of large corporations) spend and buy useless for the sake of buying and get mental satisfaction. Happened to me too. I bought just to buy. Now I do not buy anything more than the cost of maintaining the core forbid me to squander. However, the theme e'che the long-term goal that I set and 'very challenging and needs to be achieved by the active collaboration of all members. Unfortunately at this time my wife does not work and all of its costs imposed on the only salary. Never mind, I love my wife and I know that women have special needs I have just instructed my wife not to throw money and always seek the best value for money.
Align all the family members on the objectives, agree on a budget earlier this year and make a tight control of costs. Ok? All clear?

Thursday, June 10, 2010

24 V 40a Charger Circuit Diagram

dell'adone T-shirt and elephants

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Celiac Disease Tax Deduction

Additional suggestions London

Hard Immovable Lymph Node In Neck



Thursday, June 3, 2010

How To Stop Seagulls From

financial position at June 1, 2010

is just over 3 months I started to keep written statement of my results and is the first time I really unhappy. The situation is dramatic, the% saving is negative, it means that in the month of May I spent more than I earned. Doing a bit 'calculations and considering the pending credit card that I have, I have the distinct feeling that even in June and July will be so. " The objective of the € 10k in cash is now virtually impossible to achieve. But when I do not want to revise estimates downward. Maybe something can 'straighten up again.
Anyway, here's the situation

and then the usual comments:
1) I'm still not present in the securities portfolio was either obligations or actions. The capital available is still too low (virtually zero) so that I could make it possible to convey to any financial product. I had considered the possibility obligation to purchase the recently publicized by Mediobanca (4.5% gross year, repay the capital at the end of the useful life of the product). I'll explain with a post specifically for that reason I decided not to buy the product
2) Main account, liquidity of the month. I would have gladly left the famous 500 € that I always leave earlier this month, but I had nothing. I stay with 410 €, I have some bills to pay and any tax. I do not think I'll be able 'to deal with them and I will be' forced to draw back to the reserve account. Note that: I spent 150 € for dinner is not provided (post ad hoc, mostly) I have already spent 300 € for a wedding gift. I have already alluded to this in some other place, safe I could skimp a bit on the gift ', but I will not have heard, I just restiuito what I received for my wedding. :)
3) reserve account. Which are taken automatically from mortgage payments. I finally created a nice protective castle. The installment is around 630 €. I should be able to easily cover three installments. (Unless of skyrocketing interest rates sigh; ()
4) Deposit account (orange). In view of the need for the month of May to address some spesucce, and expenses incurred in early June (see point 2) this amount is reduced by 23%.
5) pension funds. None.
Attached are also the trend of the curve my capital (I remember that I have excluded the real estate to devote the focus maximum accumulation)

soon iwant

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Why Waxing Causes Thrush

Oh my God! € 150 dinner crowds. Objective

Hello everyone, today I am really angry with myself. Last night I let it get to go to a dinner with colleagues, customers and Wives. Well, for the customer has paid the company, but the appliance has paid for us and their wives? Always signed! Well yesterday I found myself in an Argentine restaurant, lots of meat okay. But it is possible that in 2 we spent just under 150 €. When I heard the portion that I deserve, I almost drop. € 150 are virtually saving that I can deliver in a month. So evaporated and burned in a single evening. Just good intentions. I have to act more restrictively. The money is mine, not a restaurateur from 4 money I grilled steaks and makes me listen 2 the music dance hall or a little more.
Alright interpersonal relationships are also important especially in the professions. But they can cost so much, and then to the limit, would have to pay the company for everyone, not just for customers.
However, the month of June and July is expected to be particularly difficult for my purposes, but also will try 'to save and to identify the first financial product in which to invest. Last
account ... but you can convince your wife that saving is important? I make an effort crazy. Today, for example, came out and bought 50 € in futility. Mah!
very soon, with new considerations of saving the world operativooox