Sunday, June 27, 2010

Exotic Rentals Calgary Alberta

hate the motorway services! Commitment


last week, I was in Abruzzo for a wedding of a dear family friend. We went there by car, the trip lasted about 5-6 hours, stupidly we did not bring the bread and water from home.

After about 3 hours of travel, hot (even if the air conditioning the vehicle was still on) we decided to stop for a sandwich autogrill. We spent 19 euro including sandwiches, coffee drinks and sweets for my wife (there are days in the month when my wife was sweet and not strictly need him you can 'absolutely deny). Per se had spent € 19 autogrill is serious, but I still think seriously what + 'we spent while we walked towards the exit.

dall'autogrill Why do I have to go out among all those stupid forced into shelves? I reflected on everything, books, ham, cheese, maps, national flags, mobile phone chargers ... and finally ... soap-bubble-shooting gun. I bought One for our granddaughter. Here, the grandson certainly will like the gift, but my portfolio is really empty now. I have to heal, I think it is a compulsive problem! But then, even the roadside restaurants?? Dai! But let me drink the coffee and let me out without going through all your ham!.

Basically, I calculated that to attend the wedding, all inclusive, we spent just under € 600. We lost sight of the goal ?????? But we crazy??

It starts with courage. Riproviamoci.



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