Sunday, June 27, 2010

Delete Purchases Direct Tv

family to become rich in my definition!

Hello everyone, today I would like to talk about the commitment that the other components of the core family should play in achieving the financial targets set. I just struggled to explain to my wife the importance of moderating our standard of living to reduce living expenses and eliminate unnecessary expenses. I must say I learned a while now, and 'a lot more careful. Sometimes, however, 'is taken from a fit compulsive disorder (accomplices marketing offices of large corporations) spend and buy useless for the sake of buying and get mental satisfaction. Happened to me too. I bought just to buy. Now I do not buy anything more than the cost of maintaining the core forbid me to squander. However, the theme e'che the long-term goal that I set and 'very challenging and needs to be achieved by the active collaboration of all members. Unfortunately at this time my wife does not work and all of its costs imposed on the only salary. Never mind, I love my wife and I know that women have special needs I have just instructed my wife not to throw money and always seek the best value for money.
Align all the family members on the objectives, agree on a budget earlier this year and make a tight control of costs. Ok? All clear?


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