Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Negative Hpt 2 Days Before Period

Enel Green Power IPO

not know why, but I feel that if I had four pounds of partially invested in IP Enel Green Power. For no other .. but because they know that recently there is' an almost maniacal attention to green issues and renewable energy.
Perhaps the focus is almost exaggerated, but in principle I think the really renewable. In fact, if I was minister of economic development, investing hundreds of millions of euro in research on the topic. Push Sicily to become the world's best practice of solar energy. Replace the tiles of all homes with solar panels, all surfaces exposed to the sun turn into panels ..
Yes, probably just a crazy dream ... but at least it's a dream that I shall release to the concern of the oil or coal, and especially do not like the oil barons ottusiiii (smart ones are already diversifying to this area) in early



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